Who’s really who in nursing?

I’ve written before in this blog about images of nursing, elsewhere I’ve touched on nursing heroes and icons, and a bit of nursing history.  I’ve been considering for a while the ‘famous names’ of nursing from an historical perspective, and wondering why there aren’t rather more.  I’ve had a few conversations with colleagues about it – this lack of a UK roll-call of nurses who have contributed significantly to nursing practice, research and education and also to nursing’s image and status in a positive way.

When I Google ‘famous nurses’ I get a list of mostly American women (nurses in the USA do seem to do celebration rather better than here at home).  The UK representatives on the lists are the expected ones – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, and occasionally Edith Cavell.   Nineteenth century women, two of whom were – arguably in my view – not really nurses as we recognise the term today although the contribution of both is undoubted,  and one who is recognised for her heroism and war-time subterfuge rather than her nursing skill.  Ethel Bedford-Fenwick is beginning to be recognised for her work on registration and she crops up occasionally in searches, but beyond the 19th and very early 20th century there is no-one clearly identified – and widely recognised – as having a significant impact on the development of the profession.   Yes, individual nurses can maybe suggest one or two who, to their mind, made a difference, but there is no formal recognition.  In fact, there is no list even of potential contenders.

This made me wonder how nursing students are taught about the history of the profession, and if that history teaching falters in terms of the contribution of individuals beyond 1918 (Nursing faculty – there’s a survey coming your way…).  I suspect that when we formally research nursing history we probably do quite well at 19th century women, and nursing in time of war.  Neither of which help to move us on more generally from the stereotypes/archetypes that give us only 19th century women as our icons.

So, I’m thinking of embarking on a piece of work to correct this a little.   I want to find out who were the nurses who made a significant impact on UK nursing practice, education or research, or the improved status or development of the profession between, say, 1920 and 1980 (or thereabouts).   A quick literature review reveals very little serious work on this subject in this period.   I’m not interested in later than that – there has to have been enough time passed for their achievements to have been consolidated and accepted.   For example who were the nursing ‘firsts’?  The first PhD in Nursing?  The first Professor of Nursing?  Who’s innovations in practice led to their name becoming a byword for a particular intervention or group of interventions?  Who was influential in nursing becoming an academic subject?  Who influenced professionalisation?  Who wrote the first undergraduate degree programme?  Wouldn’t it be fascinating to know?  Wouldn’t it be brilliant to hear the stories of these nurses?  Wouldn’t it be great if we could hold up half a dozen or so 20th century nurses as significant contributors?  Promote them nationally and internationally?  Get them widely recognised?  Taught in schools?  Move the iconography and therefore the image of nursing away from the 19th Century?

I could sit here and find all this out for myself – it’s a PhD waiting to happen really, but I’m old and don’t have the time or the inclination to sign up to a million years of part-time study.   I want to crowd-source possibilities.   Then the research would need to start on whether the suggestions are worthy of making the cut or not.  It’s exciting isn’t it?   Do you want to help?  Let’s add a bit to nursing’s history.

Update a few hours later: Give me time to get organised and now I know there’s interest, I’ll be on it!

30 thoughts on “Who’s really who in nursing?”

  1. This is a great idea June. My first response ona blog.- would love to get involved. I will also pass this to a colleague who lectures on this topic too.


      1. Agreed. You’ve really made me think about topic- looking forward to it. If you link to#wenurses I’m sure you’d get a great one hour snapshot on Twitter. The immediacy of responses would make a great Delphi opportunity.


      2. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while, I guess it’s now or never. There’s nothing like going public to inject a bit of motivation!


      3. I sent your tweet to a Senior colleague who will share with European Association for the History of Nursing . They’re probably on Twitter.


  2. Hi June, I m happy to help you. I have often made similar criticism of the lack of recognition of nursing leaders


  3. Think of a catalyst and The Manchester Masters legacy needs to feature as Jean’s graduates went forth and inspired….


  4. An excellent idea. Nancy Roper and Anne Casey spring to mind immediately, articulating the unique approach of nursing to patient care for nursing and children’s nursing respectively.


  5. This is an excellent and long overdue piece of work! The 19th century stories are powerful because of their time in terms of the status of women and what some individuals went on to achieve against the odds. All highly complex stuff but still relevant to nursing today because, of course, it is the past which has shaped where we are today – and why.

    I agree that we do not celebrate our heritage nearly enough or with the pride deserved. All achievements in nursing at any time have been hard-won and we can all learn from those inspiring pioneers who pushed boundaries and who, like ourselves, are part of an unfinished story that continues to unfold…

    Monica Baly is a name that comes to my mind…


    1. Thanks Sandy. Yes the 19th century stuff is absolutely relevant and important – I don’t want to come across as denigrating that. I’m surprised that a piece of work like this hasn’t been done before though, and how ready we have been to stick in that period. It’ll be fun finding out what people think. I just have to design the study now…and find the time to get on with it….


      1. Completely agree June – One nurse who was hugely influential was Dame Cicely Saunders, the founder of The Modern Hospice Movement in 1967. Cicely qualified as an SRN during WWII but because of back problems, went on to become a medical social worker. It was during this job in the 1950s that she observed pain-free patients approaching end of life in a Nursing Home. This contrasted sharply with her experience of patients in hospital, presenting with poorly controlled pain and other complex symptoms. What Cicely observed were nurses administering 4hourly/prn doses of prescribed Morphine regularly, every 4 hours…..

        Cicely went on to qualify as a medical doctor in the late 1950s and immediately took up her role as a researcher into ‘total pain’. Cicely based her work on what she had seen the nurses achieve in terms of well-controlled pain with regular analgesia, developing the notion of therapeutic windows. It was Cicely and her close friend and colleague, Dr Robert Twycross, who went on to develop The Brompton Cocktail and built the foundations for the WHO 1986 Analgesic Ladder for treating cancer pain.

        Cicely Saunders is recognised as the Founder of the Modern Hospice Movement, not only in the UK but across the world. I am enormously proud that her roots lay firmly in nursing…

        Looking forward to seeing the project unfold June 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes. CS is an interesting case. I wonder though, whether her most influential years were as a nurse, or after she became a doctor? There’s an interesting discussion to be had here….


  6. This is one of those …why haven’t we considered this before moments !
    24 yrs of nursing I could list those that I have worked with that have influenced on a personal level but other than some current names I don’t know the 1sts as you’ve listed. As I have recently progressed from clinician to operational manager, with an ambition to progress I am now also wondering who was the 1st nurse CEO , that led the way for others.
    With anticipation ……


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